Tuesday 17 January 2017

Saturday 14 January - Ochils in the snow

Just as we were pulling on our boots at the car, a couple on skis glided past towing their children on a sledge. Sensible folk. Every year I consider replacing our ancient X-country gear but never get much further than thinking about it on the basis that such a purchase will guarantee a snowless winter. 

If only this sort of day was the norm in winter
Skis wouldn't have been a great help here which is why I suspect the people using them stayed on the piste-like road and had fun on the reservoir dam wall with their sledge.

There's not much to say about this area that I haven't said before so I'll leave you with a few more photographs - including, by way of contrast,  a couple from Monday 16 January.Click to enlarge any photo.

You need to grab days like this when you can because in the space of forty eight hours-

We'd come along the tops in the distance to make an enjoyable circuit


  1. There is a special, unique appeal for those rolling hills. I did click to enlarge and it makes a big difference. I often wonder how often others do that on my own blog.

    1. They are a special hills for us Conrad (you probably guessed that)and despite exploring them for a large chunk of my life (I climbed Ben Cleuch when I was nine)I can still look at the map and see areas away fron the tops where I've never been. In fact today, we were in what might be called the eastern fringe of the Ochils where we haven't trod for years and it all felt very new.

      I always click to enlarge Conrad which as you say, makes a big difference. I suspect most people do.

  2. I'm glad I never got into skiing. It's something I never have to renew. Ha.
    No, really I wish I had tried it but I was too much into other sports and non of my mates skied. I think I would have been good at it.

    1. I think all types of sking are great fun Alan. We've had Alpine touring skis with skins, done a lot of downhill on the pistes and X-country both through woods with deep powder snow and across the Cairngorms in beautiful spring snow. Getting to intermediate level on downhill is relatively easy but getting off 'the plateau' takes a lot of time and effort unless you start very young.

      On the touring side you can cover vast distances quickly but also of course get yourself into difficulties much faster if the weather changes. I think you'd love ski-touring but getting reliable snow conditions is harder than it used to be!

  3. Good to read you are out on the hills again. The reversibility of fitness is amazing but I'm sure you will get it back soon enough. Look forward to reading your further ventures.

    1. Thanks Anonymous.

      I was out 6 days out of 7 last week and feel much better already although I'll need some big days out to return to the fitness level of last October. Injuries - I can well do without any more thanks very much.
