Tuesday 2 May 2017

Barbed Wire

This reminded us of Sir Hugh's recent fall, caused by wire left lying around by landowners.

Note: I'm using Blog Manager on my iPhone to get familiar with it and to monitor the results.


  1. We noticed a couple of places where the barbed wire had been cut on our walk this weekend. I look forward to reading what you think about blog manager. I read a couple of articles that put me off getting it even though it isn't expensive.

  2. Hi Alan. This post was easy and I had no problem with the pictures although I notice that you can't click to enlarge them. I'm not worried about that when mobile blogging though.

    I was using home wi-fi for this post so I don't know how easy it would be to upload pics on public wi-fi, e.g. on a camp site. I'll try using 4G next time.

  3. Bizarrely (unless you originally posted this with a different photo attached) when I read this via Feedly it contains just one photo, which is neither of those above. As the photo didn't match the words (and as I'm on wifi just now, so van browse with gay abandon) I nipped over here to your blog and all now makes sense.

  4. Bizarre it is Gayle, because I didn't post with any other photos and posted both together. Which other photo did you see?

    1. It was a view in some hills. Unfortunately I cleared the post from my feed without thinking to save it or take a sceenshot. Iv it happens again, I'll let you know (no such photo bizarreness with your latest post, though).

  5. I hate the stuff with a vengeance.
    Unless there's a damn good reason to use it, it should be illegal.

    1. Me too Alan. Most times I just can't see the need for it.
