Tuesday 5 January 2010

Possible ski-tour

Wandered across the tracks from the house on a glorious morning to check the posssibility of a ski-tour to a little hill called Cult Hill, a mere 264m.

After crossing a minor road, we strolled passed Keith Farm with a wee pony enjoying the winter sunshine and a late breakfast.

The snowy Ochils promise some fun outings if, as forecasted, this weather continues for weeks to come.

The farmers at Wester Aldie were busy coping with conditions they hadn't expected in Kinross-shire when they came a few years ago, and they were relieved to learn that we'd never experienced such a long hard spell here before. We chatted amiably for a while and established that it would be possible to ski from there to our planned hill.

Cult Hill 264m

It's a short tour, only about 11.5km round-trip, but should be an enjoyable one in such beautiful conditions. Meantime, some snow-clearing around the house required...

A couple of short slideshows here

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