Sunday 13 June 2010

A short trip to Loch Leven

The Loch Leven Nature Reserve is an easy drive from home and although our visits are generally confined to the winter months

     November on Loch Leven

a recent balmy summer afternoon found us strolling along the 12.5km Hertitage Trail, linking Kinross and the RSPB Reserve at Vane Farm.

The Reserve with its range of wildlife, including tens of thousands of breeding and wintering birds, has a number of hides constructed on stilts above the water but they have recently been removed following structural damage from shifting ice during the severe winter. It's hoped to have them rebuilt by August.

        The hide has gone      

The sky was full of swifts and a few geese were scattered along the shores; after the heavy rain and wind over night, the Yellow Irises were flagging a bit.

Followers of this blog will know that we have been unable to get away to the hills since April - something that has never happened (ever) before - and short walks like those around Loch Leven have been brief, but refreshing, outings.

Things are looking up though and, if the last of the proofs of Lynne's book arrive today, we should be heading for Rum and its delectable ridge, Knoydart and Sutherland - soon-ish. Mind you, these sort of hopes have been constant companions throughout May and the first half of June!

Unfortunately I'm not mobile blogging having been too busy to get organised. Maybe before the next trip.

Loch Leven - in the past a home to monks, scene of great curling tournaments and the imprisonment and escape of a queen.


  1. Thats good. All has become clearer.
    Hope you can get back out soon.

    It looks like we will be heading north at the end of the month.

  2. Alan and Sheila - thanks and have a great time wherever you are headed. The photographs from your new camera (I assume) look good BTW.

  3. Hi Gibson,
    Yes the pics are from the new camera. Thanks for comments.
    We are off to backpack the Rob Roy Way with some detouring to take in a few tops. There are some subtle changes though as we are starting from Loch Ard near Aberfoyle and not Drymen as the official route shows.
    We are in no rush, so we can make as many detours as we like or stop off a day if we get lousy weather.

  4. Le Loup - it's a lovely area but I really want to get up to the Highlands soon!
