Sunday 23 January 2011

A stroll in freezing fog - Friday, 21 January

Today, and after a minimum temperature overnight of -9C, we are shrouded in a freezing fog with just occasionally the faint hope of the sun breaking through. We would be experiencing a temperature inversion if we were up on the Ochils but, alas, Lynne has managed to cough her way to a strained or torn intercostal muscle so carrying a rucksack is out for the moment. For the sake of clarity I should add that the 'alas'  indicates sympathy for Lynne rather than signifying regret at being unable to get out on the hills. (She might just read this you see.)

A low level saunter was, however, possible and provided a pleasant, if familiar, outing in improving conditions. And high or low there's always something interesting..

Contours on ice

As we walked I was mentally fleshing out the detail of trips planned for 2011 (8 or 9 at present), including our West - East walk in May (not the TGOC -  a tad too late in May for us since the organisers moved the start date). I'll put the route up sometime for anyone who might be interested. A friend wants to 'follow' us across so I'll be putting up maps as well.

The summer of 2010 was a relatively lean one for us in terms of hills etc because of Lynne's book and associated commitments, so this year we'll hopefully get to Rum, Knoydart, Skye and the far NW in June and to the Outer Hebrides in July, all of these being a mix of motorcaravan and backpacking trips. A visit to 'Screaming Geo' featured on the Triple 5 climbs broadcast last year is high on the list when we're on Lewis. April and autumn plans are more flexible but the Cairngorms and Lochaber always figure large.

As always, I hope the weather is kind to us!

It certainly improved today as we made our way across the fields and regained the track and headed home for some hot coffee.


  1. It brings back memories of the old country. Thank you.

  2. Le Loup - what a delightful comment. Thank *you*.

  3. Phew - walking on thin ice neatly avoided there...

  4. Alan - not steep ice though. The contours are pretty well spaced.

  5. bbbrrr, first shot looks cccccccold. contours photo is beautiful! a get well soon to yr other half.
