Thursday 24 February 2011

Some lovely weather

 Well no. Not really.

Path west to Commonedge Hill and, looking east...

The path to Seamab Hill above Muckhart

Nevertheless, a happy Lynne, muscle mended, is on a summit again at last!

It's just as dismal today, so we're off for a walk round Loch Leven and thoughts of spring, not to say summer sunshine will just have to do for now.

Summer in Skye - Loch Dunvegan and Macleod's Tables - Healabhal Bheag (left) and Healabhal Mhor


  1. It's still good to be able to get out there; even on the worst of days. Long may we all be healthy enough to carry on with it (even if it does take a little longer as the years roll by).

  2. So it is Byeways, and I do actually enjoy being out in bad weather so long as it's not every day. There's always something of interest at ground level - often missed on fine days - if nothing can be seen otherwise. And there's always a chance things will improve.

    I try to get on the hill four or five times a week to keep fit and I take heart from a much older friend's exploits: at 78 he crossed from Corrie Hallie to Gruinard Bay taking in the two Deargs having driven 150 miles from his base that morning. A rest day followed and then he was out in the Glen Dessary hills! "What's the hurry anyway", he would say!

    Thanks for visiting.
