Saturday 30 April 2011

Minch Moor wind power station refused

The Government reporter has dismissed an application by Swedish company Vattenfall to erect 12 turbines at Minch Moor in the Scottish Borders on the grounds that "the landscape and visual effects make the proposed wind farm unacceptable". Some of the turbines would have been built alongside the Southern Upland Way and it has taken eight years for the issue to be resolved.

Of course, the grounds for rejection apply everywhere these monstrosities are being built in Scotland. I fear that these 12 turbines will just appear somewhere else.


  1. Is there not enough room in Sweden for 12 of these monstrosities!
    Not in our backyard and all that.

  2. I wish. I reckon that the wind energy companies see us as a soft touch up here Alan. Enjoy the weekend.
