Saturday 30 July 2011

New blog

Well, so far so good but it'll take a bit of  'tweaking' to get it right.


  1. It looks fine - very contemporary!. I suppose the pressure is on now to do a bit of decorating over at Mission Control now...

  2. Thanks Martin and Alan. Actually Alan, the pressure is now on to do a bit of blogging! But you're not far wrong on the decorating front. The outside of the house awaits painting...

  3. I like it. It looks well.

  4. Thanks Alan. This all happened because I was experimenting with templates, pressed 'Apply to Blog' by mistake and well, that was that!

  5. That's exactly what happened to me. Interesting that we've finished with something similar, as they were before. I think mine is a little wider, and I'm trying to change the header, footer and background pictures each month. One thing I'm not happy about is the colour of the font where links have been placed - it's very close to the ordinary font colour, so people may miss the links. I'd also like to be able to set Google reader to display whether (and how many) any comments have been made.
    I like the way you've inserted a 'quote' in the top image.

  6. I wanted mine a little wider but it took an age to get the top image to fit the blog width, so I'm reluctant to change it at this stage. 'Shrink to fit' made it too small, not shrinking it made it too large.

    I was planning to change the photograph seasonally rather than monthly, although the current image was taken last October so I've hardly got off to logical start!

    With the new computer I can also use Live Writer which I couldn't on the previous one because Windows Live had stopped working.

    How are you liking your Keen shoes by the way?

  7. Gibson, the Keen shoes are superb - I wore them last week to do the Yorkshire Three Peaks, and didn't notice them on my feet. Unlike the Scarpa Mantas I've been wearing a bit just to break my feet in for their next trip....
    If you set the blog width to a set number of pixels you should be able to adjust the image sizes to the same width using a photo editor. You then just have to remember the sizes (my header and footer are 975 wide, and the background is 1400 x 1800 - a bit smaller than the recommended minimum. You'll find WLW great - mine quite often stops working but if I delete it and reload it, it seems to remember all the settings.
    Have fun!

  8. Hi Martin,

    Yes, I like my Keen shoes too, and in fact I'm about to buy another pair. Good luck with your feet!

    On the photo front, I increased the blog width to maximum and then reloaded the picture and everything worked fine.

  9. That seems to have worked fine. Our formats are very similar (again!).

  10. I think there's a limit to what can be done with this template so perhaps not too surprising. Of course it could just be that we both have impeccable taste in these things!!

  11. I'll go for the 'impeccable taste' option! You can probably change it quite a lot if you are more familiar with HTML than either of us may be....
    Why two pairs of Keens? Is the first pair already wearing out?

  12. Impeccable taste it is then. As for the Keens, if I like boots or shoes I sometimes buy a couple of pairs before the manufacturers 'improve' the design.

    HTML is not a strong point so the blog is not going to change beyond anything that can be done using the Template Designer!

  13. Aha - that'll be the reason I've an unused pair of Scarpa Infinities then.... impeccable logic!
