Wednesday 21 September 2011

Save the Monadhliath Mountains- Allt Duine windfarm

In the early 1980s the Cairngorm Chairlift Company proposed extending lifts into Lurcher's Gully. The Public Enquiry received 7120 letters of objection and 135 supporting the proposal. The proposal was rejected.

By contrast, to date, only a mere 657 people  have signed the 'savemonadhliathmountains' petition. This is pathetic! If you oppose the destruction of the wild Monadhliath sign this petition NOW. Win the battle or lose it, I can't  see how you can continue to walk or climb in the Scottish hills with a clear conscience if you don't.  Sign the petition HERE.

(The Scottish Government in their budget proposals for the next three years are planning to invest £200m in renewables btw)


  1. Hadn't seen this petition Gibson as far as i can recall. Don't know why.
    2 more names added.
    Thanks for pointing it out. Lets hope others get their consciences pricked!

  2. Thanks Alan and Sheila. I've never thought that you needed your conscience pricked! - anything but. It's easy to miss petitions and I'm not sure how this can be overcome.

  3. Thanks for posting this Gibson.

    I am astonished at the apathy I find amongst hill-going folk about windfarms in the Highlands. I found pockets of walkers, on the TGO Challenge itself, who were actually walking through the Monadhliath, who felt it "was nothing to do with them..."

    People need their heads cracking!

  4. I agree with you, I’ve been surprised how little interest there is in protesting against this plague on our hills

  5. Alan - me too. Apathy is rampant, as it were, on this subject and Mr Salmond and his lot know it. In the Lurchers case we had 'conservationists' on our side, now mostly we don't.

    Geoff - it's a sorry state of affairs.

  6. I'd missed it as well. Rectified now.

  7. It's easy to do - we weren't the first to sign it by any means. You're not likely to hear about such petitions on the BBC are you. My real issue is with those hill-goers like those Alan Sloman mentions. I wonder where he hid the bodies?!

  8. Gibson, don't forget he carries a coffin with him. That in itself should be enough to sway a few waverers.

  9. Wot! I heard that, I did. I may be daft but I'm not deaf, you know...

    Should have dished out a good flogging....

    *Wanders off muttering to 'imself'...*
