Wednesday 9 November 2011

Commercial! Book signing - Waterstone's Perth, 10 December

Lynne will be at Waterstone's in Perth on 10 December from 12 noon onwards signing copies of her book.


  1. A book signing! They can be great fun. I hope it goes well for Lynne, Gibson.

    It must be like giving birth?

  2. Thanks for you good wishes Alan. I don't know what it feels like - I just put scribbles up on a blog rather than write books. Much easier, and drivel can be deleted!

  3. Wish Lynne good luck from me, Gibson. Will there be posh drinks and nibbles?

    Perth, eh? One of my favourite cities (I think of it as a city).

  4. Thanks Dave, I'll do that. This is the first signing at a bookshop so we don't know what will happen. All previous signings were done at the launch in 2010 and since then, after talks.

    Somehow I doubt there will be drinks and nibbles in the current economic climate, but hopefully there will be a queue!

    We've always thought of Perth as a city too.

  5. Good luck to Lynne. The scary bit is waiting to see if anyone turns up but when they do people are always lovely. Fingers crossed for a queue.

  6. Lynne, many congratulations. If Sheila and I were in closer proximity we would be there. Good luck with the day and the book.

  7. Chris - thanks for your good wishes. As you say, people are always lovely at these sorts of events.

  8. Alan and Sheila - You are so kind and it would have been great to have met you both. Who knows, maybe someday.
