Monday 7 November 2011


See why here. Lock them up and throw away the key. B******s.


  1. It never seems to stop does it Alan?

  2. And it never will stop unless the law is applied without favour.

    I'm not sure if these particular poisonings arise from the actions of a shooting estate, but many others do. Until a few lairds, landowners and executives from corporately owned estates see the inside of a prison cell, nothing will change.

    What a blight on the planet we are as a species.

  3. There will be some who know exactly who did this and on what estate it was carried out.

    The only way this will be stamped out is if the landowners themselves are jailed for their employees' actions. You can bet your bottom dollar it will then stop dead.

    Or, the landowner could choose to take a dose of the same poison instead.

  4. Byeways - there just doesn't seem to be the will to do this unfortunately.

    Alan - your last suggestion has a certain appeal!

  5. Heartbreaking.
    I agree - prosecute the whole chain right from the top. The rogue gamekeeper excuse doesn't wash. It's a concerted effort to protect the interests of the multi million quid shooting industry.
