Thursday 3 November 2011

This is not a quiz

Anyone know what this might be? We saw a small amount of this jelly-like substance on the road near the fish farm and thought it was related to processes carried out there, but this picture is taken well up the hill. The fact that it's next to a wooden post is irrelevant.


  1. It's called Star Jelly as well as other names.
    A strange phenomenon.
    I could go into more detail but it's worth Googling it if you wish to know more.

  2. Hi Alan - yes I've just discovered that! It is odd isn't it? Thanks for replying. Hope you are fully recovered and you are both ready for your trip to NZ.


  3. We saw some a week ago on the Preseli Hills in West Wales. If this is an alien invasion it might solve the Greek problem

  4. It'll take something like an alien invasion for sure.

    I've discovered that this phenomenon was the subject of an item on BBC Scotland's 'Reporting Scotland' this year. I must have been asleep!

  5. We get a very similar substance here in New England Australia, and it is a fungus.

  6. Hello Le Loup - as far as I can tell the scientists here still aren't sure what it is!
