Monday 30 April 2012


With 'the walk' cancelled we are off to the NW and Skye. I can, I think, carry a light sack and maybe even do a one night backpack - my torn back muscle is recovering at last.

We're in Glen Nevis at present and, with its fine summit snow field, Sgurr a' Mhaim is a grand sight this evening.

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  1. glad to hear things are slowly on the mend for you. Ye gods that is a fine piece of stone you have adorning the mantlepiece up top there -is it local? ;)

  2. Sorry to hear your big walk is off. Hopefully 'postponed' rather than cancelled!
    Have a great time in Skye, Gibson.

  3. At least you are out and about. Enjoy.

  4. Enjoy your trip the weather is better in Scotland than the rest of the UK - which makes a change !
