Monday 21 May 2012

Knoydart bound

We've made our usual stop at Bruar before heading on for an overnight stop in Glen Nevis. Then, tomorrow it's the train and boat to Inverie for four days in Knoydart with Beinn na Caillich, Sgurr Coire Choinnichean and Beinn Bhuidhe on the list of things to do.

Situated as they are, these planned Corbetts don't really lend themselves to any logical backpacking trip so we'll be camping at Inverie and exploring them as day excursions. And are we looking looking forward to that!

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  1. You've certainly timed it just right for the weather, have a great trip!

  2. That sounds like a dream trip - I've just finished the third of my four daily exercise sessions for my knee - the sun is shining, and it is warm at last and I can't take advantage. I look forward to seeing your posts, and hopefully some good pics. At least I can live vicariously, and and I can think of no better venue than Knoydart.

  3. In your opinion which is the best campsite, the one at Struan or Blair Atholl. Sheila has a few days off and if pos we might be able to get up there. A bit of local knowledge is always an advantage.

    Enjoy Knoydart. Stunning in good weather.

  4. Mmm. I have just read that Struan is no longer doing camping or touring caravans. So Blair Atholl it will have to be.

  5. Might bump into you there as I`ll be on the same hills this week.Will be camping in Inverie from the 23rd for three days :)

  6. Weathers looking good for the next few days, hope you enjoy your trip.
