Sunday 6 May 2012

Sgurr a'Bhealaich Dheirg

Our starting point was as yesterday, but today we followed the Allt Coire Tholl Bhruach intending to join the ridge at the bealach between Aonach Meadhoin and Sgurr a' Bhealaich Dheirg. However once in the corrie we opted to take the steep slopes which would see us emerge a few hundred metres west of Aonach Meadhoin.

High on this slope I stopped to add a layer of clothing and noticed that there was no Satmap in the rucksack. It was probably in the motorvan but there was also the possibility that I'd left it lying on the ground outside the van when I'd picked up the sack. This was unlikely (I told myself) and pushed on, soon arriving at the well-worn path.

The ridge now dropped away to the bealach and it was a delight to follow it, pausing occasionally to savour the fantastic views west. Being a Bank Holiday the place was becoming busy. Some (mainly young) seemed to be taking their Munro bagging very seriously, grim- faced and barely able to say 'hello'. A job of work it appeared. Shame. Don't they know this is fun?! The final slopes quickly lead to the large cairn and with photographs taken, we made our retreat to make room for the approaching crowds.

Retracing our steps to the bealach we met two ladies, one a fellow Munroist and on her second round, the other with eight to go. We chatted for ages exchanging experiences on hills the length and breadth of the Highlands. Kindred spirits indeed and what a difference between these seasoned hill-goers and the others we'd passed who had been so reluctant to even acknowledge our presence.
From here we took the grassy slopes to pt 806 and so down to the Tholl Bhruach and back to the van. The Satmap wasn't on the ground but on a seat under a fleece. To be honest I'd forgotten all about it, such had been the quality of the day.

Mark - hope your back problem is resolved soon so that you can enjoy your backpacking trip.

Alan R - yes, I'm fine now and if it weren't for the fine scenery and weather, I'd be pretty depressed about cancelling our walk. I note that you are getting back to full fitness yourself which is good to hear.

Posted using BlackBerry

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