Friday 1 June 2012

Friday 1 June - Skye

Now on Skye for a few days.

The Cuillin are looking magnificent but, being a bank holiday weekend,they'll be busy so we won't be treading their summits for a few days yet, if at all.

Instead there are headlands to walk, the odd lower hill to explore and sea cliffs to visit. I'm also hopeful that the beautiful yacht, 'Sleat Lady', which I covet in my dreams, anchors in the loch tonight!

Sent from my BlackBerry®

1 comment:

  1. I googled your Sleat Lady and she is very nice. I wish too.
    I also had a go with the BB to comment etc etc but failed miserably. But using the HTC it was no problem working the blog exactly as if on my mac at home.
    I’m trading in the BB for the HTC in about a month.

    Have a great time on Skye. I love it there. Sorry, WE love it there.
