Tuesday 4 September 2012

Monday 3 September - An Socach

The day looked promising with just a sip of mist in Coire Chrid above Baddoch. We were off reasonably early to ensure trouble-free parking - there were stories of the wild, stormy west being abandoned by many in favour of the softer eastern weather.

An Socach can be climbed at any point from the path by the Baddoch Burn and a particularly fine start is by Sgor Mor but, having done this hill previously, we opted to follow the path to its terminus and gain the broad stony ridge from there. There were about a dozen bags of 'Highland Grouse Grit' lying at the high point. Well looked after these grouse; then shot.

The gentle ascent over grasses and short heather was all pleasure; the sun appeared; layers were shed and soon the summit was in sight. Overlooking lonely Loch nan Eun - a great spot for a camp - the views from the cairn were extensive in all directions: distant Ben Macdui and friends, Lochnagar et al; our closer neighbours Glas Tulaichean, Beinn Iutharn Mhor, to name but a few. Big landscape and big skies.

After the usual photography (and donning a top or several to combat the cold wind) we set off for the east Top and lunch. Thought I'd pulled a groin muscle along the way and expected problems after our stop. Nothing - no pain at all. Odd. Rain threatened our return to the 'van but never did more than that, though people we met were full of dire warnings about tomorrow's weather, contrary to every forecast we'd heard or seen since arriving. We'll see who's right in due course.

Alan R - no games as we arrived a day too late for that. There was a pipe band in the village late in the pm though.

Sir Hugh - no pressure as you say Conrad. The site is an excellent base with superb hill country on the doorstep, although there are some restrictions at this time of year that are best observed if you don't want shot!

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