Monday 24 September 2012

This makes me livid

Courtesy BBC Scotland website
This golden eagle died a lingering death after its legs were broken in an illegally-set trap. This is disgusting and make no mistake it is the landowners who should be prosecuted. Imprisonment should be automatic if found guilty, together with massive financial penalties. The full, distressing story is here.


  1. How many pairs are there in the whole of the UK? 450 maybe, give or take?

    Our self-interest is out of control to the extent that we are apparently unable to co-exist with 450 pairs of eagles. Go after the landowner, not the keepers; drag them out of the boardrooms if they're corporates and hand down custodial sentences. It would soon stop.

  2. I agree with Oss. This made today's national news in England today, but the news gave the impression that responsibility for tracking the culprit had been handed to the RSPB as it wasn't worthy of police time. I find that rather sad, especially after observing some police at Kinlochewe earlier this year enjoying a few relaxing days in the sunshine with a speed trap on the quiet road through that village.

    1. Hi Martin

      I suspect that the investigation will involve several bodies. An egg collector was jailed and banned from Scotland after an investgation involving Northern Constabulary, the National Wildlife Crime unit, SNH and RSPB Scotland. Whether something similar will occur in this case I don't know, but it definitely should.

  3. So basically nothing will happen as we know how forceful the RSPB are. Featherweights they should be called.

    1. Hi Alan

      See my reply to Martin. I hope you aren't right but I wouldn't bet my life on it.

  4. The representative for the Scottish Gamekeepers said: "After looking at what the scientists have inferred may have happened, and also studying the interpretations thereafter, the SGA has decided to open its own inquiry and will conclude this before commenting on a case it believes is far from clear cut.

    As an organisation we will be happy to present our findings to the police in order to assist the investigation."

    They should be told to keep their noses out of a criminal investigation by the police immediately and the offending landowner should be brought to trial and, if found guilty, jailed.

    1. I agree. The SGA effectively investigating itself? No way.

  5. It seems to be the same estate over and over again, and nothing seems to be done about it. If only there was a way to encourage the shooting fraternity to boycott the estate.... I reckon being hit in the pocket is the only thing that'll make them stop, sadly.

    1. Thanks for your comment Llendorin.Custodial sentences are required for the owners/Directors - 'the controlling mind' I think is the jargon. I doubt the shooting fraternity care very much unfortunately.

  6. What a sad story, I think Llendorin has a good point, but not sure how easy it would be to garner support for such a move by people outside the shooting circles....

    1. Hi Howellsey - as above I'm afraid although I wish it were otherwise obviously.
