Monday 19 November 2012

Areva factory in Scotland

Read this and weep.


  1. They love the weasel words, don't they, these politicians?

    "[Salmond] told BBC Scotland the deal could create up to 750 jobs in manufacturing and others which will come through the supporting supply chain."

    Could; maybe; might not; no promises; no guarantees. Will they be arranging to make a taxable loss and claiming relief from the UK (or Scottish) exchequer?

    1. Oh, he's a master at the weasel words Dave. We can be sure that Salmond has made the deal as attractive as possible to entice Areva here - all at our expense.

  2. Well it makes sense to move the factory as near to your biggest outlet as possible.
    We all know that.
    It's just a shame the Scottish Government and not just the man in charge, has closed it's eyes to how much damage they are doing to the country.
    750 jobs! Wow. Comet alone has cut more than that this week, just to put it into perspective.

    1. Hi Alan

      This demonstrates something I've said for years: that Salmond's commitment to wind energy is unaffected by anything the likes of us and organisations such as JMT or MCofS say. Not only will our hills be covered in turbines but our coastal waters as well.

  3. I wonder what Areva will be saying after the soon to be published Energy policy arrives. Look forward to hearing that there will be "delays" and then hearing nothing more ever again. The world has a massive over-supply of turbines manufacturing. You only have to look at Vestas' share price collapse to see that the writing's on the wall for this venture too.
    I wonder if Salmond has put in place any "sweeteners?" How much will this cost Scotland, I wonder?

    1. He will have sweetened it to the maximum I expect and, whether this specific investment goes ahead or not, it does demonstrate that he isn't going to be deflected from his plans to ruin the landscape and seascape. As I've commented on a couple of blogs recently: even if we do manage to protect wild land, the land not so designated will be smothered in turbines; no-one will want to walk there so the wild land will be stuffed full of people and hardly be 'wild' anymore; and views won't be worthy of the name. So, Scotland is stuffed.

    2. I am afraid I agree with you totally on this, Gibson.

      I am always appalled whenever I read "The MCofS/John Muir Trust/whoever supports wind energy, but not in the wild places. This gives Salmond carte blanche to industrialise the remaining part of Scotland.

      Another one that makes me boil is "Of course, wind turbines should be built in the right place." Where, exactly, is the "right place" The right place is always close top someone's home...

    3. Likewise Alan. Do they think that saying 'we support wind energy but not in wild places' is a demonstration of reasonableness which will be reciprocated by the renewables lot, so securing their co-operation in protecting wild places? If so, they are naive beyond belief in my view. Maybe they do genuinely support wind energy 'but not in wild places', in which case I'm glad I'm not a member of JMT or MCofS.
