Friday 8 February 2013

Snow and sun

In the exceptional February weather we've been out on the local hills almost every day keeping my knee mobile or, if you prefer, applying the Martin Banfield suggestion of  'kill or cure'. Much catching up to be done after my month's absence from blogging, but not today. It's yet another stunner, so we're off out.


  1. Looks wonderful and glad your back.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Conrad. Not blogging has felt akin to losing friends. Good to be back.

  3. Great to have you back, Gibson, though given the weather we left you with after returning home on 17 February, you should have been 'out playing' since then. The blogging can wait!
    My 'kill or cure' technique seems to be working on my current injury BTW; I hope it's as successful on your own problem...

    1. Thanks Martin and good to hear from you. We've been out almost every day since around the 18 Feb and I'm pleased to say that my knee almost feels normal now - the last eight consecutive days out (80miles) appears to have done the trick. Fingers crossed that your own injury goes the same way. All the best.

  4. Sounds great, Gibson. I think your knee problem is much more of a worry than my muscle problem, which only really affects me on the rare days when I go for a jog. It can't be too bad, as I managed a decent time for Saturday's 5km Parkrun.

    1. I'm not nearly as worried as I was 6 weeks ago Martin. Muscle injuries are pretty straightforward compared with the dreaded knees, although are still worth avoiding!

  5. Welcome back, Gibson.

    I've been chipping away the plaster around the window in the attic bedroom and replacing it with a (hopefully) damp-proofed render. We can do a short-term life swap if you want.

    1. Thanks Dave. "We can do a short-term life swap if you like". As Ben said: "That wouldn't be businesslike". I'm sure this will mean something to you Dave, if not to others!

  6. Thirty years old this year, Gibson.

    The film, not me.
