Sunday 7 April 2013


Well, I now have an appointment with an orthopaedic surgeon in little over a week's time and, hopefully, will get a proper diagnosis of my knee problem and appropriate treatment as quickly as possible. In a rare bout of optimism during February, I entertained the belief that whatever the injury had been, it was now well on the way to recovery.  Alas, after a day in the snow last Tuesday things quickly deteriorated. Pessimism. Normal service resumed.

Wether Hill top came and went and a descent to West Mains farm brought us some attention from the local sheep. We too enjoyed some lunch.

They kept approaching us as if expecting we had brought some SUPAlyx

Sheep sticks its tongue out at another.... 'I got the last of that tub of SUPAlyx, so there!'

Some interesting snow formations were encountered, but the photography doesn't do them justice

I doubt I'll have much to post about in the coming weeks/months given the knee situation but I hope you, dear readers, do.


  1. I emailed you to say this post had not appeared, but all looks well now.

    Good luck with the appointment.

  2. Hope you are back up and running soon. Smashing photo of the corniced white stuff.
    Did you have lamb sandwiches for lunch?

    1. Thanks Alan. Photo down to Lynne - as usual! Lamb sandwiches were out of the question since poor forward planning meant that no mint sauce was available.

  3. Sorry to hear of your continuing knee problems, Gibson. Hope you can get them sorted. It'll leave you plenty of time to ponder the mysteries of the ipad and blogpress, perhaps?

    1. Thanks Martin. Unless the MRI scan reveals something unexpected which is capable of being fixed, it looks like I'm stuck with the problem for good - MCL and tendon damage. If that is the case it is going to be a very different life.

      I'm finding the iPad very intuitive, but Blogpress may not be needed at all unfortunately.

  4. Oh dear - I do hope something can be fixed.
    I've noticed Blogpress being used by some 'mobile' bloggers. It seems to have the capacity to insert images within the text, rather than place them all at the top of the text like my current system. I'll investigate when I get the new phone (currently paused by worries about what'll happen to all the data on the old phone!).

  5. Yes you can insert photographs within text using Blogpress but you have to do it after you've completed the post. I've not been able to write a paragraph, insert a photo, write a paragraph, insert a photo and so on. There may be a way do do this but I've not really spent much time trying to find out!

  6. Hi Gibson - I don't know how i missed this post, but I have only just spotted it - That *is* rotten news about your knee.
    I hope that they can fix it old chum - I would go and get a second opinion if the present doctor says they can't.
    Best wishes

    1. Hello Alan.The doctors don't think there is anything that surgical intervention can help and are only doing an MRI to rule out minor cartilage involvement. Irony: the X-Ray showed the joint to be in good condition - like that of someone 20 years younger!
