Wednesday 12 June 2013

Tuesday 11 June - Loch Eilde Mor

I hardly noticed the steep ascent from the small car park in Kinlochleven such was my focus on where I was putting my feet. My nine month old knee injury has made me hyper-vigilant! However, the beauty of the woodland scene didn't escape
me: bird song, the scent and colour of wild hyacinths, honeysuckle and rhododendron, the freshness of new birch leaves, the sound of running water.

As we left the woods it started to rain, heavily enough to need waterpoofs, but not even a Scottish blizzard could have suppressed my delight at being back among the hills. Tea and cake in the rain never tasted so good.

The path skirts Meall an Doire Dharaich while to the north Na Gruagaichain's steep slopes fall to meet the LRT from Mamore Lodge. At the cairn where our path and the LRT meet, a large group had gathered.

They were a Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award party on their way back from a three day backpacking trip in the Loch Treig area. They'd been lucky with the weather and the midges had not been too bad apparently. Most looked happy and each gave us a cheery greeting as they filed past.

We continued to the boat house at the loch which, I felt, might be far enough to test the knee so, after a brief stop, we returned by our outward route.

The knee survived the admittedly short walk over easy ground so now it needs a real day out on a big hill. Hope the weather improves!

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  1. Good to see you out and about. You obviously kneeded it!
    Go easy on the big 'un. All in good time.
    I stayed at the McDonald hotel last year and really enjoyed it. Staff were great. Food plentiful. Prices very reasonable.

  2. That's great news, Gibson!
    I struggled up that same route a few weeks ago laden down with my pack. I took a similar picture looking back of a gloomy Loch Leven too!

  3. The round of Sgurr Eilde Mor, Binnein Beag and Binnein Mor is high up in enjoyment from my list of Munroing activities. On the descent the light was particularly atmospheric and the views down Loch Leven were uplifting. Good to hear that environment seems to have lifted your spirits as well.

  4. Alan R - oh yes, very witty! I agree, the folks at the McDonald hotel are really helpful. They couldn't do enough for us when we asked to leave a parcel on our planned walk across Scotland last year.

  5. Alan S - how are you? Progressing in leaps and bounds I trust.

    I noticed your photo of Loch Leven but the cold plus heavy packs would have made your ascent a bit more arduous, to say the least.

    Incidentally, and this applies to Alan R also, I can't post a comment on your blog for some reason. I noticed this on the laptop at home and I can't do it on the iPad either. It seems the comments box needs to open in a new window like wot mine does.

  6. Hello Conrad - these are indeed very fine hills, as are all peaks of the Mamores. It was a simple walk, but being among the hills never fails to lift my spirits - and they needed some serious lifting.
