Friday 13 September 2013

12 September - Loch Kinord

A short walk today to see the 1200 year old Celtic Cross by Loch Kinord on the Muir of Dinnet National Nature Reserve. It's a lovely walk through the birch, Scots pine and rowan trees. At one point an information board told us we standing on a 13000 year old esker (remember your physical geography)?

The cross, carved from granite was dug up around here in the 1820's and taken to Aboyne Castle, but returned in 1957.

Also to be seen are the remains of a crannog, built around 2500 years ago. It was built on oak stilts with sides probably woven of hazel wood.

There are several trails to enjoy so it's worth a visit on a day off from the hills or just for its own sake. Arrive early if you want to appreciate the peacefulness of the place.

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