Tuesday 5 November 2013


Knee surgery this morning at Spire Murrayfield Hospital having at last given up on the NHS. Superb attention all round. Little or no pain either standing or walking which, I hope, bodes good for an early return to the hills.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad Mini


  1. Good news. As they say in France when you meet on the trail and then part to go on your way, "Bonne continuation".

    1. Thanks Conrad. We may yet have that walk in the Lakes.

  2. Sounds like a good beginning. Soon be up them hills.
    I'm back home now, sore but improving. All the best Gibson.

    1. All the best for a speedy recovery Alan. At least we should both be fit for 2014!

  3. I had knee surgery in 1995 (not NHS), after a steady and patient exercise rehabilitation my knee was better than it had been for 10 years.
    In 2013 its still holding up although I'm sure the use of walking poles when going downhill is the key to reducing wear and tear on dodgy knees.
    Hope the recovery goes well.

    1. Hi Geoff. I also had knee surgery in 1995 at the same hospital as this time. Checking my 1995 diary I see that I was on a Glen Dessarry Corbett five weeks after surgery. I recall some pain after the steep descent but after that the knee was perfect - and has remained so ever since.

      I agree with your point about poles - my surgeon said my knee joint was in excellent condition, meniscus tear aside, and I'm sure using poles has played a big part in preserving the articular cartilage. Recently I bought Pacerpoles although it's too early to pass an opinion on them vs my Leki ones. Most seem to sing their praises though.

      Thanks for your good wishes for recovery.

  4. Hi Gibson

    Apologies for being late to the party.

    That's great news! I hope your recovery goes well, Sir.

  5. Hi Alan - many thanks and good to hear from you. Hope you are doing well.

  6. Hello Gibson,

    Apologies also for my tardiness in wishing you a speedy recovery. I agree with Geoff's and your own comments above about poles; I've never really grown to love them but I often appreciate them on steep or loose downhills.

    Good luck with the return to full fitness.

  7. Thanks Dave. All seems to be going well and I reckon I could be back on the hills quite soon - if my consultant approves on December 4.

    I've lost the habit of blogging since returning from Braemar in September and hope I can regain my interest next year or sooner.
