Thursday 23 January 2014

Thursday 16 January - Cloudy Ochils

The weather looked better to the east so we really should have gone to the Lomonds. But here we were pulling on boots at the little car park on the road to Frandy Farm. We are nothing if not creatures of habit.

Some years ago this narrow road suffered the ignominy of being widened at various points to facilitate the transportation of wind turbines to Burnfoot. The wider bits now provide parking spots further up the glen but we stick to tradition and park where we have always done. Creatures of habit indeed.

The plan for the day was vague. It didn't really deserve the term 'plan' at all, but Cairnmorris Hill, Skythorn and Frandy Hill were all mentioned for inclusion.

It looked as though we were set for a reasonable day
After crossing the Frandy Burn we entered Woodland Trust land and although from the map it looks like trees dominate the slopes, they don't. Broadleafs have been planted but are not greatly in evidence yet, as shown (or rather not shown) in the above photograph taken near Mailer's Knowe. Unfortunately the conifers lower down are beginning to make their presence felt.

By Scad Hill thoughts of a 'reasonable day' had been swept away and replaced by mist and light rain.  At Cairnmorris Hill I took a bearing to Skythorn even though, I told myself, I didn't need one because this was all familiar country. Famous last words and all that.

Not sure what Lynne is doing because I have the only camera carried that day

Things began to improve slightly but it was short-lived and having walked this route in poor conditions many times previously twice encountering 'misplaced' Duke of Edinburgh groups, we scurried back down, the visibility deteriorating with every step.

Brighter times - Cairnmorris Hill, February 2013

January 2009 - Lynne on Skythorn Hill

Maybe February will see the return of conditions like these.


  1. She’s crying Gibson because you have the new camera.

    1. Good guess Alan but we didn't have the new camera until after this walk. These are all taken by using the Lumix.
