Friday 4 April 2014

4 April - An issue resolved

There is a serious problem in Scotland at the moment and no, it's not Alex Salmond, the September referendum on independence, or wind farms (though they are problems). No, it is the distressing fact that the item below is no longer to be found in any of the major supermarkets north of the border:

But never fear, supplies are to be had in Booths and will be smuggled over the border in due course. This particular bottle is, by the way, now deceased.


  1. Get loads in now before you have to pay import duty. Fantastic choice btw , enjoy,

    1. We need a pipeline Alan. I do like 1849 I must say, though I'd also have bought some Maple Moon had there been any available.

    2. If you see any try Two Hoots.

    3. I've had it before but Booths were not stocking it. On a different topic I had a look at the Rab VR Lite in Fisher's and was tempted, but I'm not sure it offers me enough over my Astron to justify the cost. It is lighter though so if I protest hard I may, as I said before, get it as a birthday present.

    4. I like the fact that you hardly know you have it on. And having a full zip gives good venting when going up hill. Its not my birthday until August.

  2. Are there sanctions in place, leading up to the referendum? If that's the case, it's a disgrace - denying people essential supplies is just plain wrong.

    I would lobby my MP if she ever deigned to leave her South Kensington pile and visit the constituency. Maybe we'll see her next year; there's an election.

    1. It's akin to vote tampering if you ask me Dave.
