Monday 29 September 2014

Friday 26 September - A walk back in time

Upper Glen Devon Reservoir as it is usually seen from the north shore - opened 8 June 1955

"... A farmstead, which is depicted on the first edition of the OS 6-inch map (Perthshire 1866, sheet cxxvii), now lies beneath Upper Glen Devon Reservoir"

We crossed the dam and followed the well known path above the reservoir to witness nature working its restorative magic on the upper the glen. Three deer sped across the mud; old fence posts, once marking field boundaries, were revealed; a quite delightful round sheep fold appeared; a wall, capstones still in place, ran down to the river from Glen Bee.

A delightful sheepfold; old fence posts can be seen on the opposite bank
I wandered down to the fold, touched the stones and imagined the past. A peaceful, somewhat melancholy place.

From Glen Bee
As far as I'm aware, 2003 was the last time the reservoir was so low - in fact lower. As we returned water was still being released to the lower reservoir so I imagine that even more of the glen has now been revealed.

More photographs can be found here.


  1. That must have been a strange experience. I think I would have gone close to have a look as you did, but with a sense of some sort of intrusion and feelings for those who were displaced.

    1. I certainly felt I was an intruder Conrad but approached with respect for those who once lived and worked there. A moving experience.

  2. Very nostalgic and full of interest. I get the same feeling when i got to see Mardale village now flooded by Haweswater. If you have never read the book, Haweswater by Sarah Hall is good read and captures those feelings very well.

    1. Cleared villages in the Highlands have a similar effect on me Alan. Thanks for the info on the book - I'll look forward to reading it.

  3. For what it's worth, I'd say it's better to respectfully approach these places and acknowledge their history, than it would be for them to become forgotten.

    1. I agree Dave. Someone should write a book.perhaps.

  4. Hello Gibson
    Like AS, I've just enjoyed a scamper through your posts. Always a good read. Well done on making time to read a book as well.

    1. Thanks Martin. There never seems to be enough time to do everything.

  5. Hello Linda

    Thanks for visiting and for your kind words.
