Tuesday 21 April 2015

Muir of Dinnet NNR

There is a rather lovely blog written by the Reserve Manager, Catriona Reid which you can find here along with links to other NNR blogs. We always visit the reserve when in the area and take the short walk to the Burn o' Vat or longer one to Loch Kinord. Ideal when (if) you want a day off from the hills or the weather turns nasty, but also worth it for its own sake.

The photograph below is taken from the blog - acknowledged below.

Adder  close up (from Muir of Dinnet NNR blog)

Although we have been quite active during March and the first half of April I have not been posting, as is blindingly obvious. Work on the house has now been completed (well, as much as we are doing at the moment anyway) so come the beginning of May we should be ready to escape to enjoy the hills of Skye, the north-west - or anywhere the sun is shining.

Bla Bheinn

Enjoy your summer.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Alan. It always seems so short. English friends seem to regard August as 'high summer' whereas by then I'm beginning to think of autumn.

  2. Funnily enough, Gibson, I was saying to someone a couple of days ago that it's easy, in April, to think that there's no rush and it's all stretching out ahead of us. In truth (without wishing to be too much of a depressive) it can just melt away and before you know it the days are shortening.

    Have a good summer yourself.

    1. Hi Dave. Time flips by at a worrying rate, something I'm particularly aware of as I approach yet another birthday.
