Friday 29 May 2015

Thursday 28 May - Glas Bheinn Mhor (Marilyn)

Rain, wind, hail and, yes some sunshine. That was the mix on 570m Glas Bheinn Mhor with only the predicted thunder being absent. All this 'weather' is keeping the midges away though.

At the Luib 'carpark', flasks of Lapsang Souchong were made, sandwiches prepared, ginger bread cut, biscuits selected. The sun appeared.

We quickly abandoned the path (RoW) through Strath Mor to Torrin on Loch Slapin and took to the sodden hillside, aiming for the well defined north ridge and drier ground. The bright conditions didn't last long as rain swept over the Cuillin and headed our way; we had waterproofs on just in time to avoid a drubbing.

The rain eased as we reached the start of a wall which Lynne aptly described as resembling a 'trail of gun powder' (first photo). A short descent eastwards gave a view of Loch na Sguabaidh and Lochain Stratha Mhoir looking dark and wild in the gloomy weather.

Apparently, one should stick to the path through this Strath because sink holes lie in wait, though exactly where I have no idea. We didn't notice any or, obviously, fall into one, when we did Beinn na Cro all those years ago. Sometimes it's best not to know about these things.

Some pics were taken while trying to keep the camera dry then our thoughts turned to food. The perfect spot revealed itself just as the sun returned - and stayed for the remainder of the day. We heard a cuckoo, stopped to say hello to two tiny ponies (smaller than Shetlands) and made a short diversion to check that the Folk Museum really had gone (now a ruin).

Glas Bheinn Mhor is well worth a visit and a longer trip can be made by continuing to Belig and Garbh-bheinn, a Marilyn and Corbett respectively - though those are their least important features.

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