Monday 27 July 2015

Glenquey Moss - Quarry Application Appeal

Great news. The Reporter has rejected CEMEX's appeal against Perth and Kinross Council's decision last November to reject an application to establish a quarry at Glenquey Moss.

We can now look forward to enjoying many more days in this area, the curlews, red kites, kestrels, buzzards and all the flora and fauna of the Moss left undisturbed.

The view down to Glenquey Moss - area left of white house - from Innerdownie.


  1. Just imagine a quarry in the middle of that view. Thanks to the reporter for not granting it.

    1. Yes Alan, just imagine. Having read the report I have to say she showed a remarkable grasp of the issues and what was at stake. Apart from the Moss being safe, I'm particularly happy for the lovely couple who live at Glenquey House who led the action group opposing the development and who would have been very badly affected. Long before we knew them they would invite us in for a cup of tea if they saw us passing. Even allowing for the access legislation, I'm sure they could have objected to us taking the route so near to their house but they didn't.

  2. That is wonderful news, Gibson. This has been a long process, which much have been very stressful for the action group.

    What with that, and wind farms being knocked back all over the UK, at last the tide is turning. Next on the list is the unplanned shooting tracks spreading like a cancer all over our hills.

    1. Indeed so Alan. There is a chance Cemex could appeal on a point of law or submit a modified application but the general view seems to be that they won't.

      I hope the wind farm explosion is over and that something can be done about the tracks, but they don't appear to get much adverse publicity, or any at all for that matter.

  3. I hope that this is indicative of a more widespread turning of the tide.

    1. I would like to think so Dave although there are enough of them already approved to still do significant damage. The 96 turbine Kilgallioch wind farm in Dumfries and Galloway commences build in late August I believe.
