Saturday 4 July 2015

Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd July - a film set and a short circuit

On Wednesday we found ourselves down by Derwentwater and it was a hive of activity. Not just the usual tourists getting on and off the launch but a film set being constructed. Various stalls of vegetables (real), glass globes, harbour master's hut, fortune teller booth and so on.

In the water was a rectangular floating pontoon with two outboard motors and a 20ft high camera mount being tested. The attention to detail was impressive.

All this, I was informed, was for filming 'a version' of Swallows and Amazons. I felt like replying in Lady Bracknell fashion: 'A version'? Either it is or it is not Swallows and Amazons.

Thursday was dull and muggy despite the overnight thunder storms. The lightning display was spectacular though Lynne slept through it all.

Plans for the day were simple, involving a short outing to Ashness Bridge, over High Seat, Blaeberry Fell and Walla. It was quite a sociable day meeting various walkers at various points along the way and NT's Bark House provided a pleasant half hour halt.

Descending from Blaeberry Fell we found that the lovely grassy path beyond the sheepfold abruptly changed to a horrible, ugly concrete-like walkway: the worst path 'restoration' I have ever encountered. You might find this on a building site but it has no place on the Lake District fells. I don't know if this is the work of the National Park, 'Fix the Fells' or some other organisation, but whoever is responsible: you are a disgrace, incompetent and don't have an aesthetic bone in your bodies.

I needed a beer or two when I got back to the site. No longer will I donate to path restoration.
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