Sunday 27 March 2016

Friday 25 March. Grahams - Meall Reamhar 620m NN922332 and Meall nan Caorach 623m NN928338. Map 52

It was yet another beautiful morning as we passed through the Sma' Glen to the pleasant hamlet of Amulree although half way there we realised that we'd forgotten the cameras. Yes, both of them. A week ago this would have been a minor disaster but I recently bought an iPhone 6s Plus so the day's photographic record was saved and all photos here were taken with it.

In past days, old military roads went north from Amulree to Aberfeldy, south to Crieff;  others went by Strathbraan to Dunkeld, and to Kenmore by Glen Quaich.

We parked opposite the now abandoned hotel - William Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy stopped here on Friday 9 September 1803 during their tour in Scotland, as Dorothy recorded in her journal: "We halted at a lonely inn at the foot of a steep barren moor, which we had to cross".

We on the other hand prepared to brave the traffic on the kilometre walk along the A822 to Girron, not realising that we could have parked at the start of the walk.

Click to enlarge all photos
From Girron the track headed over the hills between our two Grahams to Glen Almond but since we had a circuit in mind it was soon left for the hillside and our first objective of the day, Meall Reamhar.

Looking back to Amulree and Craig Hulich after leaving the track
The ridge easily gained, we followed the line of an electric fence which seemed to go all the way to our summit. We hoped sincerely that the cairn was on our side of the fence!

Meall Reamhar and left, our next objective, Meall nan Caorach

We were buffetted along this pleasant heathery ridge by a strong, cold westerly so taking photographs with the iPhone was no easy matter.

Meall Reamhar
A brief halt and our thoughts turned to our next hill across the glen. A hare, still white, darted across the hillside; a small group of other walkers were on the track below. I looked around taking in the view anticpating the rest of the day.

Meall nan Caorach from Meall Reamhar
Then I slipped, turned awkwardly and fell onto a small slab of rock face down, my ribs taking the full impact. Had I cracked a rib or two I wondered. Deep breaths were painful. A stop for some hot drinks and food seemed sensible before continuing. An ultra careful descent to the track followed and then, perhaps against our better judgement, we slowly began the climb to the top of Meall nan Caorach, with only the odd wimpish yelp of pain on the way.

Meall nan Caorach
Our original intention to traverse to Chreag Ghorm, a Graham Top was ditched in favour of regaining the track quickly, as my ribs (or something) were now well and truly hurting.

I'm sure we will return for this Top and maybe walk the track down to the River Almond at a later date.

Looking back to our two hills, Meall Reamhar right
Back at Amulree we had a look round the small church.

It was a peaceful place and we would have spent longer there were it not for my mishap.


  1. Ouch! Hope the ribs are on the mend.

  2. Thanks Gayle. I don't seem to have done as much damage as I first feared and hope to be back on the hills tomorrow. Felt such a fool.
