Thursday 12 May 2016

BBC Scotland 'Landward ' programme

To mark the 150th Anniversary of Beatrix Potter's birth, Lynne is taking part in three events in Perthshire this year: an event in July at the Birnam Arts Centre when she will read 'The Tale o Peter Kinnen', her Scots translation of 'The Tale of Peter Rabbit' and in September she will give a talk based on her book 'Beatrix Potter's Scotland - her Perthshire inspiration", also at Birnam Arts.

Today though, we are at Dalguise House near Dunkeld where Lynne is being interviewed for the above programme talking about Beatrix's holidays at Dalguise and the influence this had on her life.

Dalguise House

The countryside around Dalguise
Others parts of the programme are taking place at Eastwood House, Dunkeld, where the picture letters that became The Tale of Peter Rabbit and The Tale of Mr Jeremy Fisher were written.

We should have been on holiday this week enjoying this stupendous weather but have delayed until next week. We did manage a superb day on Tuesday doing our final Graham in the Amulree area starting from Glen Quaich by Loch Freuchie - but more of that later.

Now enjoying coffee and cake in the sun at Birnam Arts.

Sent from my iPhone


  1. Well done Lynne. And fantastic photos from your phone.

    1. Thanks Alan. The filming took about two hours at Dalguise but who knows what will be shown - about four mins max we think. The BBC crew were very friendly and it turnd out that the camerman was esponsible for the filming on Nicholas Crane's programme 'Munro - Mountain Man' back in 2009 so we had an interesting chat.

      I'm very happy with the iPhone's camera and the 4K video.
