Tuesday 11 October 2016

Sunday 9 October - on a cold and frosty morning

We woke to the most beautiful morning, the grasses white with frost, light mist drifting over Morrone's lower slopes, the stags noisy. It was a day for a top.

So, it was up by the Baddoch Burn in an hour and a half, a stop for tea and then the stony ridge and summit of An Socach. We met a few walkers but not as many as expected given the hill's Munro status and the fine weather.

In the cold clear air, views of the surrounding hills were sharp and only as we left the summit did the sky cloud over. Unlike on previous visits, when we've returned via the east top to Sgor Mor and so down to Baddoch, we retraced our steps and soon were enjoying the late afternoon sun by the Baddoch Burn.

There is no shooting on a Sunday - on a weekday we'd have been on the ridge mentioned above - but a stalker with binoculars was studying the deer on the western slopes of Carn Chrionaidh, no doubt in preparation for the morrow. We've heard rifle shots a few times on this holiday.

It's been a lovely week with lots of sunshine by day and starry skies by night, but as a result I've not been able to use my Montane Air Jacket and photograph the water ingress, thus demonstrating that the jacket is faulty. There's some rain forecast for tomorrow so hopefully my point will be proved.

Sent from my iPhone


  1. I have no idea why 'afternoon sun' appears as a link in blue.

  2. I've done the same thing myself in the hope of testing a jacket, but it always seems wrong to be wanting it to rain!

    1. Totally wrong Gayle, but all I'll need is a half hour's walk round Braemar in steady drizzle before the leakage will be evident. Yes, the jacket is as poor as that!

  3. How are you going to prove that the leakage is out of specification if Montane have tested it and said it is ok?

  4. If Montane's specification allows for as much leakage as I first experienced, the jacket is not fit for purpose. I would consider some form of legal action.

    1. I sincerely hope it doesn't come to legal action but if you say it leaks and the spec, which is a high spec does leak within half an hour then something is seriously wrong.
      I understand though that your dispute if I can call it that, should be with the retailer and not the manufacturer.

  5. Hi Alan. I'm fairly sure it will leak in half an hour.
    I say this with some regret because I really do like the jacket. It's uncomplicated, quite light and is a good fit. All I really want in a jacket - plus being 'waterproof' !
