Thursday 1 June 2017

Wednesday 31 May - Fiarach 652m Graham

Unfortunately the posts are few and far between at the moment having no signal for most of the time.

The car park at Dalrigh was almost full and we just managed to get a slot for the motorvan. Nearly everyone there would be heading for the Munros we guessed, primarily Ben Lui, Beinn Dubhchraig and Ben Oss. We, however, would be on our own and so it was except for two folk on our Gleann Auchreoch track who'd mistaken it for the WHW. A quick confab and they were retracing their steps. 

After passing stands of Scots pines the forest edge was reached and we took to the hill. We stopped often to take in the fabulous scenery recalling the many days spent here, in another life, it seemed. In due course Lochan Fiarach revealed itself along with many other smaller pools not shown on the map and after some squelchy walking following a fence - wire everywhere Conrad, barbed and otherwise - the small summit cairn, sitting on the dolerite wall, was reached. We dropped down to have a look and couldn't resist an easy scramble back to the top.

A long lunch in the sun viewing the views, back along the broad ridge then down into the hot glen.

Note: I'm grabbing any signal I can get so these posts are brief. 


  1. Brevity is compensated for by quality.

  2. That looks lovely! It's good to see what I missed.

    Regarding lack of usable phone signal - I assume you (or a close friend/relative) are not on BT at home? I find BT hotspots invaluable when travelling, particularly in Scotland where it seems to be the most popular internet supplier. For mobile data, when I'm solo I rely on a PAYG Three SIM for data (when Mick's with me I can use his Giffgaff allowance (I'm too tight to pay for data on my own Giffgaff SIM)) and I've been surprised how often that has given me a decent signal in Scotland - particularly if I balance the phone out of one of Bertie's skylights and use it as a personal hotspot.

    1. Gayle. Yes, I noticed that you had a day of clag and rain on this hill. I am on BT at home so will try using the hotspots. They never worked with my previous phone.

      Thanks for the info on Three and Giffgaff.

  3. Let's hope the weather holds, the pictures are great.

    1. Thanks Alan. Can you tell which pic was not taken with the iPhone I wonder?

  4. Thanks Conrad. Usually I can get 4G or use the site's wi-if but neither seems readily available in this area.

  5. Not easy but I will stab at 2nd to last. They are all good.

  6. 4 and 6 but I couldn't tell the difference on the blog or even when the ones taken with the camera were viewed on the iPhone.

  7. It just goes to show. The clouds are just slightly sharper on 4 and 6 but I didn't pick that up initially. I looked at colour definitions.
