Saturday 4 August 2018

Saturday 4 August - A return to blogging - and one last mention of models and space

I finished my last post on 12 June with: "My calf muscle is now completely back to normal so hills - at last." That was optimistic, as a couple of easy walks of five miles demonstrated. Another two and a bit weeks' rest and more physiotherapy was required before I felt ready to venture onto a hill.

By then it was nearly July, not our favourite time for the Highlands, so in perfect weather we walked locally (posts to follow), grew vegetables, enjoyed the garden and I read much about the space programme in the Apollo and Space Shuttle years. I've always been interested in the space programme but at the time there wasn't much to read and no internet for information. Now there are books galore.

Since I'm currently building a model of the Saturn V, Lynne bought me the highly technical Saturn V Flight Manual. This is the genuine article as issued to astronauts by NASA signed by Deke Slayton Director of Flight Crew Operations and Arthur Rudolf, Manager of the Saturn V Programme. In addition she bought me the Haynes NASA Space Shuttle, 1981 onwards (all models) - Owner's Workshop Manual and despite the tongue-in-cheek title it is in fact an authoritative insight into 'the design, construction and operation of the NASA Space Shuttle' by a former NASA engineer. Other Haynes Manuals followed for the Saturn V and  Apollo 13 mission. I also got round to setting up a new blog on model building: 'On Pillars of Fire' at There are no postings as yet, just a header photo which is not visible in mobile view. Progress on the Saturn V build will be recorded on that blog.

On the reading front I enjoyed two books in Stieg Larsson's 'Millenium Trilogy' (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo etc) and am on the final book. Also 'Failure is not an Option' by legendary former Flight Director Gene Krantz, was a fascinating read and I have the equally legendary and, sadly, late John Young's book, 'Forever Young', waiting in the wings.

You'll be glad to read in the post title that from now on there will be no mention of space or models on this blog with all such material being posted on the aforementioned 'On Pillars of Fire'.

Now, walks. I have not posted anything about the walks we've done during this summer - in fact I stopped posting about outings in our local hills some time ago since inevitably there was much repitition. Recently though, it struck me that I wasn't keeping a record for my own interest which is at least as important than whether others find some, or indeed all, of my posts less than absorbing. One hopes some readers get at least something from some of the scriblings but if not, well it can't be helped.

There will be catch up posts later - but here are a couple of photos from a recent walk.

On the Cadger's Yett having started from the Dunning Road - about 4km from this point. John's Hill centre

Edit: Lynne has rightly corrected the above caption. I am not 'on' the Cadger's Yett, but the Cadger's Path which leads to to the Yett.


  1. For what it's worth, I was happy to read about your models here, but I understand why you would want to keep them separate, given that I have two blogs myself.

    Glad your calf is now behaving itself. Unfortunately Mick can't say the same about his, having had a tentative (but unsuccessful) attempt at returning to running this morning.

    1. Hello Gayle - sorry to hear that Mick’s injury is still troubling him. I did think I too might be in for a long haul to fitness again.

      I’ve just read the post again and oh my goodness I’ll have to correct typos, punctuation etc. Unlike a Conrad, I’m not mobile blogging so there’s no excuse.

      I created the new blog because I intend to log the progress of the build rather than write up the finished article and want continuity of posts.

  2. ‘a Conrad’? Is there any chance of ever getting a comment or post right?

  3. Haha. I was also happy to follow your modelling exploits here; they are vastly more professional than any of my own efforts.
    As regards blogging repetition, my own take is that my blog is an on-line diary and whilst I try to minimise repetition I like to keep the record, as it were. It can be very useful.
    Anyway, it’s good to have you back.

    1. Thanks for your kind words regarding the models Martin. I think your idea of an on-line diary is the right approach and I only wish I’d treated my blog in the same way. I’ll use yours as an example to keep myself on track!

    2. It's interesting that with a proliferation of outdoors bloggers and the encroachment of (horrible) Facebook, my page views have decreased, but those who do read my entries - mostly family, a few close friends, and 'blogging friends' like yourself, are quick to give me a nudge if I slacken! Write about whatever you like, Gibson, and your friends will probably read it...
      Best wishes

  4. Hi Gibson, and welcome back. We're up in The Highlands ourselves at the moment and probably won't be online much. It will be good to be reading your stuff again when we get the opportunity.

    1. Thanks for the welcome back Dave. You've seen more of the Highands this year than us although we do regularly see Ben Vorlich, Stuc a' Chroin, Lawers etc from the Ochils. A view to rival any in my opinion.

      Enjoy your holiday and I look forward to reading about your exploits.

  5. Glad to hear of your recovery and I'm always interested in your modelling posts and anything else for that matter. I'm just back from my travels today and cracking a good bottle a good friend gave me some time ago - it's been awaiting a suitable occasion. I'm not sure where everybody's going with "doing a Conrad."

    1. Thanks Conrad. I'm glad to hear that you are in good spirits and enjoying a fine bottle of wine, I presume. Or a malt perhaps. My 'a Conrad' was a simple typo, nothing more.

  6. The tomato reminds me of one I bought whilst walking down the Canal du Midi a few years ago. How's that for boasting?

    1. It was delicious. Hurry up the other nineteen.

  7. Glad your calf is mended. Your pictures look great. Hope to read about your outings soon.

    1. Hi Alan and glad you like the photographs. I've just checked and they were taken by Lynne. Her pictures are always better than mine despite using an old Panasonic Lumix.
