Tuesday 11 September 2018


Well, I've tried to upload a post with three photos (iPhone) and it won't go. I may try again or just wait until I'm home. I may not bother at all. Life's just too short!
Sent from my iPhone


  1. I find I have to use the smallest photo size on iPhone and it wont send more than 5 or 6 depending on how much text there is. I am having the same problem here in Greece. AlanR

    1. Hi Alan. Five or six? Wish I could get two to go! I used to get options on file size when I posted but that has stopped. I’ll try again soon.

  2. I'm using a different operating system and blogging method (Bloggeroid on an Android phone), but when I had a photo-sending problem in August (in my case I couldn't get posts to transmit if they had any photos; text only was fine), I did quite a bit of Googling, which told me that problems with sending photos to a Blogger blog are: a) very common; and b) not restricted to any particular software/App/publishing method. That suggested to me that the problem wasn't a sudden incompatibility issue between Bloggeroid and Blogger, but, but rather some sort of a glitch in how they were communicating with each other (Bloggeroid gives a progress bar for each photo, so I could see that the first photo would send, but then all progress would stop, so it looked like Bloggeroid was left waiting for a positive response to the 'Blogger: did you receive that photo okay?' message).

    If I remember correctly, clearing cache and data on the Bloggeroid App cleared the glitch in my case. I don't think I had to go as far as deleting and reinstalling.

    All of that is probably completely irrelevant to your problem, but hopefully gives a little hope that you will be able to send photos painlessly again one day!

    1. Thanks for your comprehensive analysis Gayle. I think my difficulties have been caused by exceeding the allowed file size for mobile uploads. However, when I’ve done this in the past the text was published and I could then add photos using the Blogger app, but this time the whole post was rejected and almost all the text was lost. Blogger app won’t let me log in, though that’s not a big loss since generally I found it pretty hopeless and unreliable.

      I’ve now got Image Size from the App Store so hopefully my problems are over.
