Wednesday 7 November 2018

Monday 5 November - A quick nip up West Lomond Hill

The Fife Lomonds looked a better bet than the Ochils today given gloomy skies at home. The forecast for some sunshine later on we took with a pinch of salt and threw in little bit of hope for good measure.

Craigmead car park, reached by a narrow road from the conservation village of Falkland, was empty bar a car and a Fife Council mini-bus, the driver waiting for the return of a school group we surmised.
Sure enough just as we reached the gate giving access to the open grassy hillside, a small group arrived back from we know not where, one of them stripped to the waist. I had four layers on.

West Lomond Hill was nowhere to be seen though we reckoned, wrongly, that it would show itself eventually.

East Lomond - maybe we chose the wrong hill today

No sign of West Lomond

To the south lie Harperleas Reservoir and Ballo Reservoirs

West Lomond Hill - about as good as it got

Lots of moorland but we have rarely seen much wildlife here

Into the murk - well not too murky really

We had just finished taking some photos at the top and were preparing to leave when a couple with three lovely dogs arrived by a route from the west. They told us of various changes on that side of the hill: fences being erected with no stiles, routes closed because of tree felling, people not looking after the place and so on. It's many years since we used the routes he described from Kinesswood via Bishop Hill or Glen Vale but I recall them as being very worth while alternatives to ours so it's a pity if they are being spoiled.

Various small shelters have been built testifying to the popularity of this hill

As good as it got, so not bad really

We left the summit to the large group of elderly walkers who'd assembled at the cairn and back at the car decided that a stop in Falkland would round off a very enjoyable half day. It's a pretty place and justifiably popular with tourists in summer.

Local preparations for Armistice Day

Falkland Palace

Many a beer I've had in here - but not today


  1. Th erosion on that trig point has produced a work of art. You can't win 'em all, I also had a dreish day yesterday - see my post re Birks.

    1. You can't see it on the photograph but there has been some work to maintain the rock around the trig point.
