Sunday 27 November 2011

Abandoned wind turbines in the USA

QDanT  has given me this link which is worth reading.

Edit: I should have said that there is some controversy about the source of the information presented.


  1. It says exactly what what everybody knows but will be swept under the grass until the subsidies run out. Blinkered, short sighted and money losing disasters.
    Thanks for sharing it Gibson and Danny.

  2. I'm not surprised by any of this. There never seems as much enthusiasm for cleaning up redundant infrastructure, of any kind, from the hills as there is for dropping the stuff there in the first place.

  3. Alan R and Byeways - there's nothing I can add to your comments. Unfortunately, we are still talking to ourselves I fear.

  4. I saw this article a little while ago but was uncertain about giving it publicity as the authors have their own agenda to shove.
    But the brutal reality is there for all to see. the wreckage of the modern South Sea Bubble.

  5. Hi Alan

    I was a bit uncertain also but, in the end, I decided that those who visit this blog are quite capable drawing their own conclusions regarding 'agendas'.

    I did feel the 'edit' was required though.

    Quite a little adventure you had in Yorkshire!
