Thursday 24 November 2011

Strathy North wind turbines approved

The Scottish government has given approval for SSE’s 33-turbine wind power station, 3 miles south of the village of Strathy in Sutherland. The Highland Council had already approved the plans despite 166 letters of objection and only eight in support.

The RSPB has condemned the decision since it could affect protected species – Golden Eagle and hen harrier populations nest nearby; black and white-throated divers nest on nearby lochs. The site, close to the Forsinard Flows Nature Reserve is “bounded on three sides by a special area of conservation and special area for bird life”

The RSPB has also objected to SSE’s plans for 77 turbines at Strathy south and a third windfarm (different developer) at Strathy Forest.

 Alex Salmond and SNP Government continue their vandalism on the Scottish landscape.


                      The turbines at Burnfoot in the Ochils – and more are proposed.


  1. Strathy isn't far from the Beauly-Denny route at its northern end is it? I suppose what I'm really asking is can we expect a further line pylons connecting the turbines to the Beauly-Denny line?

    The RSPB seem to be waking up a bit late in the day. What a mess, in more ways than one.

  2. Connecting pylons from Strathy isn't inconceivable - but then what isn't as far as Mr Salmond is concerned?

    It's claimed that a hundred jobs will be created constructing Strathy North but, I'm told that once it's completed, only about three will be needed to maintain it thereafter.

    The RSPB have lost their credibility on the windfarm issue as far as I'm concerned and, as I think I've said before, they've also lost my membership.

  3. They lost mine too, Gibson: and they know why. Perhaps if there have been enough others it's been a factor in causing them to think again.

  4. worth a read ? :-
    cheers Danny

  5. Danny - thanks for this. Definitely worth a read.
