Thursday 12 April 2012

Snow in the 'west'

After several days of buying bits and pieces of gear for our forthcoming coast-coast to walk, plus organising a week's holiday before then, we needed a recuperative walk in the local hills. It's a month  before Challengers depart (less for us) but some might be interested to see the quantity of snow on, for example, Ben More and Stob Binnein. Unfortunatley the vile Burnfoot windfarm has ruined this lovely view.


  1. Not a pretty sight...
    Hoping your weather stays fair as I'm up your way again next week...

  2. I share your hopes Martin and who knows, maybe this time we'll bump into each other. Have a great time.

  3. That's quite a bit of snow...
    Might be taking the winter woolies.
    Thanks Gibson.

  4. I've heard that it will be wet and windy next week so that should shift it. Plenty of time for snow to return though...

  5. we need nuclear winds to get rid of those bloody turbines.
    Where are all the anarchists when you want them?

  6. Hi Andrew

    I don't know where they are but if you find them, let me know.
