Tuesday 9 October 2012

Golden eagle found shot on grouse moor in Dumfries and Galloway

You can find details of this sickening story here on the SSPCA's site and here on the RSPB's site. When will action be taken? When?


  1. Shocking!! Unbelievable how someone can do this to such a beautiful and rare bird.

    1. Hi Paul

      Paul Wheelhouse, the Minister for Environment and Climate Change in the Scottish government uses words like 'disappointed','concerned' and 'unacceptable' all of which are inadequate in my view, especially the last one which seems to be the word of choice of politicians when they disapprove of something no matter how trivial or serious.

  2. Sickening again. Come on RSPB, get a grip!

    1. Hi Alan

      The SSPCA needs to be given greater powers to investigate wildlife crime and hopefully this will follow the planned consultation process. The eagle appears to be recovering thankfully.

  3. You would think that - a gun having been used - this incident is one which could be pursued to a conclusion. Particularly if it was a licensed gun.

    1. You would think so but I'm not betting my house on it Dave.

  4. It beggars belief,doesn`t it ? Added to the eagle killed outside Peebles last year that must be fair percentage of the population south of the Central Belt.
    I`m having to use Opera to post a comment on your blog gibson as it seems to be impossible for me with Firefox.

  5. It does Alex. Nothing will be done though.

    At the moment I'm unable to post a comment on other 'Blogger' blogs using IE but Firefox is OK.

  6. My last two outings have seen me involved with hunters in Long Sleddale, and shooters and trappers in the Yorkshire Dales as recorded on my recent posts, and combined with the documentary last night about Donald Trump's appalling activities in Scotland it is all a bit depressing. On the bright side my knee is improving slowly, and at least I can do things that I couldn't before the op.

    How goes your knee problem?

    1. Hi Conrad

      As you so rightly say it is all very depressing. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to remain calm when watching programmes such as the one on Trump, so didn't.

      Thanks for asking about my knee Conrad. It is much better, but still not fully recovered and has caused the cancellation of three trips since our return from Braemar - 10 days in the Lake District, a week in Glen Coe and a week in the Cairngorms. Of course I have little to complain about compared to your good self and I am pleased to hear that you now appear to well on the mend. A long trip next year perhaps?
