Monday 8 October 2012

Knee trials

Since returning from Braemar three weeks ago I've been nursing a knee injury, cause unknown. I assume something occurred on Tolmount, the last hill of the holiday, but am unaware of what that 'something' was because only on arrival home the following day did I suddenly find that my left knee wasn't working. Anyway, I rested and hobbled around for a week then successfully reversed the resulting improvement by making several ascents of a ladder to clear gutters. Another two weeks passed without venturing onto a hill but, with a trip north and westwards only days away, we decided that a trial walk in the Ochils was now essential.  A pleasant 14km outing on Saturday was followed by 19km on Sunday - both  beautiful autumn days.  There was slight discomfort on descents but, despite some stiffness and a little pain this morning, I think I can now vote the knee sufficiently well to carry me up some bigger hills.  Lynne might have to carry me down though.....

Even with turbines above us (out of shot, right) this was a peaceful spot for a long stop to soak up the sun.


  1. You have my sympathy with the knee.

    1. Thanks Conrad. It's a minor (I hope) glitch compared to your own trials and tribulations following surgery.

  2. If you did 19k then i think it’s on the mend. Thanks for the suggestion of Achilles stretching. I found some exercises on YouTube and it seems to have worked. 3 days now with no discomfort.

    What a shame to have turbines in such a lovely place.

    1. Hi Alan

      Glad the stretching has helped your Achilles.

  3. Hi Gibson,

    Do you use trekking poles? I have to admit to being a bit hit and miss with mine, mostly as a result of forgetting to pack them (it's not quite a habit because some of our walks are on mostly level or gently undulating ground). I know Chris Townsend swears by the benefits for relieving pressure on knee joints.

    1. Hi Dave

      Yes I've used them regularly since around 1991 and before that - during the '80s - I used my ski poles in winter. I might try Pacer poles which Chris likes and others have praised. 'Crutches' I've heard them called! According to my doctor I've strained a medial collateral ligament which I already suspected after internet research and a telephone conversation with a doctor friend.

  4. I hope the knee continues to improve, Gibson. I'm finding that one of mine seems to need more rest days than in the past - I think it may have had a bit too much abuse. Do take care...

    1. Thanks Martin. It's a lot better than it was five or six days ago but I'm still treating it with respect. Look after yours!

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  6. Hope the knee feels better now? Its a good thing its minor or you’ll probably miss seeing these places. It is peaceful and indeed a delight if you want to soak up in the sun and enjoy the view. Peace out man!
