Tuesday 2 September 2014

Monday 1 September - Creag Leacach and a reply to Oss

A poor pic taken using the BlackBerry

A few feet from the cairn on Creag Leacach the wall gave shelter from the wind and the sun beat down. It felt like summer. We spotted an estate vehicle on Shanovan Hill above Glen Brighty. A couple of gun shots rang out; only two, then the Land Rover slowly departed, back to Tulchan Lodge in Glen Isla. presumably.

We were reluctant to move, but move we must if the 943m south west 'Top' was to be visited.

Our boots first trod this Munro Top in July 1978 and having ignored it on more recent ascents of Creag Leacach, we made the short journey to its fine rocky summit. I regret to say that no memories came flooding back but Lynne did remember that our first ascent was via Meall Gorm.

A large herd of deer could be seen on the eastern slopes of Carn Ait; blue hares sat motionless a few feet away, unconcerned at our presence, safe in the knowledge that our pace was no match for theirs. All very reassuring.

Back at the main summit cairn some others arrived. Enthralled by their surroundings they immediately sat down and stared at their mobile phones. There would be no meeting of minds here. We left.

Inexplicably we (oh alright) I missed the well known path which skirts Glas Maol.

I've said before that path junctions are my nemesis and so it proved again today. Lynne assumed I'd decided to go over Glas Maol again and said nothing......

Oss. Thanks for your comment Dave. The WiFi on site is the worst I've ever experienced anywhere. At £3 for the duration of our stay (two weeks) it sounds great value, but isn't. I can't even get onto my blog let alone reply to your comment.

I have been appalled at the standard of the referendum debate and have indeed been animated at times but certainly never energised. I've already voted 'No' - I'm not explaining why because I can't easily respond with no access to my blog.
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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