Thursday 4 September 2014

Tuesday 2 September - on the hills of the west Mounth

Glas Tulaichean from Carn Bhinnein

We spent some time at Carn nan Sac's small cairn overlooking Carn Mor, and Creagan Bheithe, dismayed at the sight of bulldozed tracks. Not new to us by any means, but familiarity with vandalism doesn't make it any easier to witness.

Turning away we left the view behind (along with a bag of biscuits it seems, so if you're passing that way soon....) and enjoyed the tramp out to Carn a' Gheoidh where we found a family of three snuggled in the shelter. We sat at the cairn, the emerging sunshine nicely taking the edge off the wind

Carn Bhinnein looks quite distant but is a mere thirty minutes away - a delightful thirty minutes. From its airy top Glas Tulaichean fills the view across the glen while north-west lie Beinn Iutharn Mhor and Beinn Iutharn Bheag. Below the latter's southern slopes nestles lovely, lonely Loch nan Eun. We love these big rolling hills and those east of the Cairnwell, never grow weary of wandering amongst them, always long to return.

All too soon we had to leave. We met two lads a few minutes later and to a "it's a grand day" one could only manage "it's too far for me". He did look to be struggling. A large herd of deer, numbering around a hundred or so, slowly crossed Carn a' Gheoidh's slopes, rapidy taking off when they picked up our scent.

Descending to the car park we met a German tourist and chatted a while. Lovely chap. We said we'd look out for him at the Braemar Games on Saturday. Looking forward to them.
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