Tuesday 30 June 2015

Monday 29 June - Post Wedding Anniversary walk

Unusually for us we travelled to the Lakes on our wedding anniversary day (41st), so today we have had a gentle outing: the mine track to near Dalehead Tarn and then over High Spy and Maiden Moor, making frequent stops and diversions when something caught our interest. On Miners Crag I mentally worked out a route up a wall, delicately traversing at the top to below an overhang. A groove above was climbed to finish. Well beyond me now, but enjoyable to imagine. There was a tinge of sadness too though.

Turning away we came across a small pool dotted with bogbean (or bogpea as I repeatedly call it, much to Lynne's amusement (ridicule actually).

Strolling was the order of the day, stops for tea frequent. We climbed Catbells to finish. It was thronged and we left quickly for the lovely descent to Little Town.

All in all a pleasant start to the holiday.

Note: The much vaunted 'heat wave' did not make an appearance and a cold wind niggled all day, although some folks were not feeling the cold with shorts being the preferred attire. Others had hoods up, some wore hats. We were somewhere in between.

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  1. Happy anniversary to you both. 41 yrs! I think ours is about 41 days.
    At least it's not as bad as Skye for weather. Been beautiful here in Rocjhdale.

    1. Many thanks Alan. Very hot yesterday on Hopegill Head etc. and it's a beautiful morning here in Keswick.

  2. Happy anniversary to both of you; good thing you seem to enjoy each other's company.
