Saturday 27 June 2015

Saturday 27 June - Over the border

Well, that's us sorted and off again tomorrow. Just hope the weather is like that in the photograph which was definitely not typical of our last holiday on and around Skye.

Having three weeks to spend in the Lake District will allow us to visit places we haven't been to for years rather than just our usual days in the north western fells, although we won't be neglecting those lovely fells.
Thanks to A&D for looking after the abode.


  1. The weather is going to be too hot for you this far south. Bring the sun cream.

    1. I'll have to go into town to buy sun cream Alan - they don't know what it is in Scotland.

  2. And an ice-cream machine.
    And your "kiss me quick" hats.
    Foreign climes, eh?

  3. I'm a toughy Alan and can eat ice-cream anywhere, most recently on Skye in a howling gale, rain and hail. Don't worry about me unduly, I had all me jabs before leaving for this southern land :-). Hope you are feeling better than last time I heard from you.

  4. You'll remember these few days for the rest of your life, Gibson: the summer of '15, when it was warm enough to sit in a T-shirt, will live in the memory.

    1. It's still not warm enough to sit in a T-shirt Dave and there was a cold wind on the fells today. Incidentally, I've tried to comment on your recent post but it always vanishes. It might be a problem at my end although I'm managing to comment on Phreerunner's blog OK.
