Monday 5 December 2016

Oops - wrong blog!

Sorry the previous closure post should have gone to a second blog which I had on blogger. Hit the wrong one on the iPhone! Phew! Glad I caught that..


  1. Me too (glad you caught it, that is).

    This year's more than exhausted its quota of bad news already.


  2. Thanks Dave. I'm not sure 2017 will bring much better news but I live in hope.

    Incidentally I don't seem to be able to comment on your blog. Wordpress asks me to sign in but of course it rejects my blogger sign in. Any suggestions?

  3. I'm glad to hear that was a mistake.

    1. Thanks Conrad. I can't imagine why I was so careless.

  4. And I'm another one glad that it was a wrong blog moment (something I've done a number of times myself, although not with such a final message!).

    1. Hello Gayle. It's just as well I didn't decide to delete the blog altogether! It's a relief to hear that someone as detail conscious as your good self has also done this. I feel so much better now.

  5. Bereft! I was bereft!
    Aghast, indeed!

    And, Calm.

    1. I knew you would be Alan:-)Thing is, I have a rhomboid muscle tear/strain or a 'neck issue' which is putting the muscle into spasm - depending on which physio you believe - so I'm not doing much to blog about anyway. I'm not very calm about the £30-£40 per half hour or so, again depending on the physio. There is improvement but it's slow.

      Hope you are well - your blog is unusually quiet at the moment.

  6. Oops again! I've just noticed your new post. I need to get a grip on things...

    1. It has been quiet over on the big walk... I have been burning the midnight oil on Foul Weather Alternatives as well as the route itself. Twelve days of FWAs! And buying new rucksacks and phones and the like. A veritable whirlwind of consumerism, with perishingly little walking because of a nasty bout of Plantar Fasciitis since June, only now getting slightly better.
      I hope the shoulder works out, Gibson. I had one of those once... Took years to sort!
      Whoops! Sorry. No! It was fine! Cleared itself up in no time! (That hasn't worked, has it?)
