Thursday 22 December 2016

Seasons Greetings to one and all

There has been little to report lately as my shoulder has taken much longer to heal than expected so hill activity has been restricted. None at all in fact. Physio and yet more physio with various physiotherapists appears to have resolved the issue, although I have not had a rucksack on recently. Fingers crossed.

Enjoy the festivities and have an exciting 2017.


  1. Here's hoping that the shoulder doesn't object to a backpack when you get back out and, in the meantime, a very happy Christmas to you too.

  2. Thanks Gayle and a very happy Christmas to you and Mick. I haven't the faintest idea what I can do next if a pack troubles my shoulder.

  3. Sorry to hear of your shoulder problem. All the best for Christmas and the New Year. That's a splendid photo on your header. You don't necessarily have to restrict posts to outdoor activities. i'm sure we would all like to hear from you more often.

  4. Thanks Conrad. Unfortunately it has been suggested that using a computer has caused the shoulder problem, at least in part, so I'm avoiding using it except for very quick tasks. iPad and iPhone are OK if I hold them at eye level but neither are ideal for regular blogging.

    I've never really considered posting about activities other than outdoor related but I may just give it a go in 2017. Thanks for the suggestion.

  5. Compliments of the season to both yourself and Lynne. Shoulder injuries can be a real pain can't they (genuinely no pun intended!); whenever I've had even a minor shoulder ache, I never seem to be able to sleep comfortably. Speedy recovery and all the best for 2017.

  6. Thanks Dave and same to you and your family. I've never had a shoulder problem before and getting a diagnosis has taken months. I can only hope that all will be well in 2017.

  7. I know I am a bit late but all the best for 2017. Hope the shoulder gets better quickly.

  8. Thanks Alan. I hope you and Sheila had a great Christmas in the Lakes. I'm quite optimistic that my shoulder will be fine after all the physio and rest.

    All the best to you both for 2017.

  9. Hmmm. More than a bit late here. Apologies to you both.

    I'm with Conrad - it would be great to hear your thoughts on other stuff. I'm afraid I bombarded poor Dave's blog recently with my thoughts - but he's a splendid chap and didn't admonish me!

    All the best to you Gibson!

  10. No worries Alan. Happy New Year to you. I might air my thoughts (probably controversial) on various topics or write up some interesting things we've done while waiting for my shoulder to heal. Hopefully we'll have a short day in the Ochils tomorrow and see how it goes. I still can't comment on Dave's blog which is a pity.
