Tuesday 9 May 2017

Monday 8 May - Ciste Bhuidhe a' Claidheimh 759m (Graham). Maps 51, 52 NN 729 351

This fine little hill lies above the hamlet of Ardtalnaig on the south shore of Loch Tay. Often referred to as the Shee of Ardtalnaig this was Lynne's choice for today's outing and an excellent one it proved to be.

It was also Lynne's suggestion that we take the single track road from Amulree through Glen Quaich to Kenmore rather than the usual route by Loch Earn, Glen Ogle and Killin. It was an interesting drive with hairpin bends as the road climbed to 520m after Garrow and again on the descent to the loch. Not a route for the motorcaravan though!

The start of the walk up the road to Claggan
It was the most beautiful morning at Ardtalnaig, a quiet and peaceful place with superb views across the Loch.

Near Claggan we spoke with a chap who was busy erecting posts in the stony ground. Hard work in the heat. The factor (we think) greeted us with a smile and conversation even though we'd just ignored a sign pointing to the route avoiding the farm yard, but in our defence the direction indicated was ambiguous.

Claggan farm
Once through several sheep pen gates - the price of going through the farm yard - the wide bulldozed road traversed south across the hillside above Gleann a' Chloidh eventually giving way to a pleasant grassy track which took us almost onto the ridge.

Up on the ridge a thin path through the bone dry hags brought us to the Bual a' Claidheimh, a cleft caused by a rock slip.

Hags and the top in the distance

Bual a' Claidheimh - the rock is mica-schist

Approaching the top

At the small summit cairn we pondered our route back. A descent to Gleann a' Chilleine was eventually rejected in favour of staying high with fabulous views to the Ben Lawers group, the Tarmachans and beyond.

The sun was strong but the wind cold so we had to don windroofs and seek shelter among the hags for lunch before continuing downwards.

We easily succumbed to another stop above Claggan and took in the scene.

From our last stop above Claggan
At Ardtalnaig we wished we'd brought the tent but we hadn't so we explored a bit then headed for home via Killin. Another special day in the hills was over.

A rare sight these days

The small graveyard and the lower slopes of the Shee


  1. I am a bit late here but what a stunning day. That area was on my Rob Roy route but eventually we chose to do Ben Lawers instead. I am now thinking we might have to do it again.

    1. Your name was mentioned a number of times regarding the RRW and on the day earlier in the week around Amulree.

      It is a beautiful area but of course we saw it at its best on this trip. Hope the weather isn't going to break too much for your trip to Oban etc.

    2. Only in a good way I hope.
      Yes I am in agreement with the weather. I do hope it stays reasonable, it makes a big difference.

  2. It was all good Alan. How could it be otherwise?!

  3. Hi Gibson, that road across Glen Quaich used to be a brilliant spot for watching birds of prey. There was a hen harrier nesting site visible from the road; I won't be too specific about exactly where, for obvious reasons. I'd imagine the bulk of visitors to your blog wouldn't be inclined to indulge in persecution, but you never know who's just visiting at random.

  4. Hi Dave, yes it's ideal country for birds of prey although I've never been lucky enough to see any on our visits there. I agree with you not being specific as to the location regarding the hen harrier. The dead hare I mentioned in the post had a hole in it's side. Shot perhaps. I do hope the hare population on Glas Maol and elsewhere is recovering.
